02-672-3189 ellenbuckstein@me.com

In this post, I’d like to share with you the abc’s of Ergonomics. The best way to do this is to answer two of the questions I get asked most often by my clients.

Let’s start with the obvious question:

What does an ergonomics consultant do?

In the best case scenario, an ergonomics consultant helps to prevent pain and injury.  In reality, we are often called in to make them go away.

An ergonomics consultant analyses the interaction between the person and his or her workplace, assesses their risk of sustaining a work related injury, and makes recommendations for improved workplace safety.

I specialize in office ergonomics.

In the best case scenario, an ergonomics consultant helps to prevent pain and injury.  In reality, we are often called in to make them go away.

 Practically speaking, my work can be broadly broken down into two areas:

1. Furniture and equipment – I help people select and arrange the office furniture and equipment that will allow them to work more productively and lower their risk of injury.

But the best chair in the world won’t help you if you don’t change your…

2. Habits and postures – Changing your behavior is harder than buying a great new chair for the office. But it’s also where you’ll see the best results. I encourage people to develop better behaviors and working habits so they experience less back, shoulder, neck and arm pain and prevent injury in the future.

Why do I need an ergonomics consultant?

Fatigue. Injury. Pain.

Not pleasant . But these are the repercussions of incorrect postures and habits.

It could be that you are not currently experiencing any discomfort. Often work related disorders and injuries occur only after years of cumulative abuse to our musculoskeletal systems.

Hence the reason that carpal tunnel syndrome and other upper limb disorders are called “repetitive strain injuries”.

The economic cost in terms of lost productivity is exorbitant. Back and joint pain are second and third most common reasons people visit their doctors (skin care is first).

As an ergonomics consultant my goal is to help you make your workplace more productive, safe and pleasant.

Need advice on developing better working habits or selecting the right equipment? Feel free to be in touch!