02-672-3189 ellenbuckstein@me.com


Thanks again, so much for the incredible advice you shared with me in the summer. It’s gone a long way to help with my health!

Sarah Feldbloom

Ellen, thanks again for all your help on Intuit, it is great to work with someone so professional and easy to deal with.

Kevin Brien

European Regional Director, Chubb Global Risk Advisors

Ellen Buckstein’s ergonomics presentation given at the Ministry of Economy was a great success. Staff  members have relayed their positive feedback, commenting on the useful tips that have improved their work environment and comfort. Many have reported significant improvement in their physical condition while sitting at their desks due to advice given by Ms. Buckstein.

I highly recommend inviting Ms. Buckstein to discuss ergonomics with employees as their physical comfort will surely improve productivity.

Debbie Milstein

Ministry of Economy

“I had contacted Ellen Buckstein regarding my computer set-up at home.  My neck would hurt within minutes of working. I often went back to work in the evenings, just to avoid the home set-up.  I knew my situation was not ideal, but…..

Ellen came to the house and surveyed the situation.  She … totally validated my pain.  

She immediately offered assorted ideas.  Although I did not immediately make the needed changes, when I was in fact ready, Ellen came over again – and reviewed things and offered fabulous advice (both in person and in writing via a risk assessment) regarding the right table, chair, lighting and more.  She also gave me tips where to buy things at affordable prices.  I truly cannot believe what a difference it has made. She is my ergonomics guru.”

Naomi Schacter

“I used to be in pain all the time. I had to seriously limit my computer time as it inevitably caused me wrist, shoulder and neck pain.  Wrist guards offered temporary relief and standing while working helped a little, but it was Ellen’s all encompassing advice that made the difference. Ellen suggested specific products and positioning. The 20” split keyboard eased the pain in my arms almost immediately. The ergonomic mouse that Ellen recommended made a huge difference, relieving stress in my hand and arm. I never even suspected the mouse was part of the problem. Finally, Ellen suggested how to sit and where to put the computer screen. All together, it totally transformed the experience for me.  I can now work for hours at a time and not pay a price. As a writer, I kind of need to spend time at my computer. Ellen made that possible.”
Cindy Silvert


“Thank you for all your work on behalf of the safety and health of our workers and for the fast, caring and excellent service that you have given us for many years.”
Moshe Ben Nun


“I am delighted by the results of the assessment. I really appreciated the way Ellen accompanied me all the way through the process, even to the furniture showroom where we blocked out the exact floor space, reassuring me that the furniture would be perfect for my office. She finished the project on time, and within budget.”
Jeremy Berkowitz

Manager, American Colony Hotel

“After spending the past 40 years performing surgery I have developed some low back problems which make it difficult and uncomfortable for me to continue working.  After a very professional and detailed ergonomic examination, Ellen Buckstein made some suggestions which have been of tremendous help to me.  I am able to continue to operate full days and I feel much better during and afterwards.

I would recommend that people who suffer from skeletal pain associated with repetition of movements should be evaluated by somebody with proper training.”

Richard Jaffe DPM, FACFAS

“I wanted to recommend Ellen for ergonomic advice. She helped me immeasurably, pointing out simple, free and inexpensive shifts I could implement in my home office that removed  pain I had from repetitive strain injury. For example, she pointed out that I could just minimize my screen instead of straining my next to look up at a very large screen I had on the wall.

I never would have thought of that and since I’ve implemented it, its really helped on so many levels. I can’t imagine going back to the very damaging ways that I was typing and using my mouse and  desk, that I just did not know about. I fully recommend her services in changing your lifestyle so that you don’t suffer from repetitive strain injury and most importantly, to prevent it from even happening.”
Ms. Smadar Goldstein

Founder and co-Director, JETS – Jerusalem EdTech Solutions