The chair is still king of the office. People often ask me why they a need a good office chair if the goal is to be standing much of the time. Even if you have already moved to a sit-stand workstation the chair is still important. Neither standing nor sitting...
Much has been promised in terms of the long term health benefits of standing workstations including increased longevity and an end to obesity, type two diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Is standing at work really the key to better health and productivity or is it...
The Upright Go is an elegant wearable posture trainer that claims to replace slouching with upright sitting in just two weeks. That’s quite a claim. Nobody can improve your posture for you. But if a device can focus your awareness on your posture over and over...
About Me
I have been helping people to sit and move comfortably since 1998. I am always looking for ways to help people improve their relationships with their bodies.